Office Support

At KCobs we offer a variety of office support. Outsourcing office functions makes more sense in today’s business environment than ever before. Companies are faced with the challenge of standing out above the crowd. Having a highly qualified and efficient team with the skills to help you manage your daily operations and organizational challenges can give you the edge to make you rise above your competition and allow you to focus on your core business goals. Our specialist will be glad to assist you in all your companies needs. The service that we offer allows you and your company to concentrate on your strengths of sales and customer service, leaving the tedious administration and financial management to our team of experts.

Administration is an essential task that will help to ensure the smooth running of your business. Historically, efficiencies within Admin are often only obtainable to large organisations with a dedicated Admin Team, but this is no longer the case. With Administration Outsourcing, organisations of any size are able to achieve substantial improvements to their processes.

Why Outsource Administration Support Services?

  • Create a virtual admin team and expand your organisation with a flexible service, without the necessary overhead costs, office space, or supplies
  • Focus on your core business and have confidence that your back-office processes are being effectively managed
  • Take advantage of this low risk opportunity for expansion
  • The tasks you set are approached as a priority
  • Extend administration support hours

The most important aspect of business is gaining and keeping satisfied clients. Small business owners continue to struggle with building their business while taking care of all the office duties with minimal staff and budget. This usually results in:

  • Paperwork overload
  • Long hours
  • Missed calls and appointments
  • Unhappy clients

KCOBS can take the time, worry and endless paper work off your desk and deliver a finished product for you to review. We can also ensure that you never miss a client call or appointment with our small business answering service.

Our office support system include a variety of office functions that are completely customizable to the needs of your business. This system allows our clients to log-on a web based system and request, track and retrieve all office support projects. We track and report your information in real time so you have the most up-to-date information possible. You can access this information through e-mail, voicemail, text message or internet bulletin board, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The project window is secured, each client will have a log-in to go into their specific client portal. All Projects done by KCOBS for that particular client will be tracked here. The client has the ability to download all projects and templates created by KCOBS at any time. We can also setup a file systems for each client. The Client portal has many stations to track documents. Each station can be customized.

Whether you want to track your memos, letterheads, power points, excel spreadsheets and letters. Our system has the ability to track all items.

Fees: We will work with you based on your needs and your budget to determine the most beneficial plan. We’ll review the number of customers you anticipate, the number of projects or jobs you have a month, the number of employees and which services you need most. The Outsourced Office customers appreciate a monthly guaranteed fee they can anticipate and that doesn’t fluctuate with volume. But we are focused on customer service, so we will find the plan that is right for your business.